Tuesday 5 January 2010

HOW Goal Setting Actually Works: The Mystery ‘Secret’ Revealed ( By Darren Hardy )

HOW Goal Setting Actually Works: The Mystery ‘Secret’ Revealed

You only see, experience and get what you look for. If you don’t know what to look for, you certainly won’t get it.

By our very nature we are goal-seeking creatures. Our brain is always trying to align our outer world with what we’re seeing and expecting in our inner world. When you instruct your brain to look for the things you want, you will begin to see them. In fact, the object of your desire has probably always existed around you, but your mind and eyes weren’t open to “seeing” it.

This is actually how the Law of Attraction really works. It is not some mysterious, esoteric voodoo–which it sometimes sounds like. It’s far simpler and more practical than that.

We are bombarded with billions of sensory (visual, audio, physical) bytes of information each day. To keep ourselves from going insane, we ignore 99.9 percent of them. You only really see, hear or experience those upon which your mind focuses. This is why when you “think” something, it appears that you are miraculously drawing it into your life. In reality, you’re now just seeing what was already there. You ARE truly “attracting” it into your life. It wasn’t there before or accessible TO YOU until your thoughts focused and directed your mind to see it.

Make sense? It’s not mysterious at all; it’s actually quite logical. Now with this new perception, whatever your mind is thinking internally is what it will focus on and all of a sudden “see” within that 99.9 percent of remaining space.

Here’s an example: Did you ever buy a new car (or had a friend who did) and then you started to see that model and make ‘everywhere’? Seems like there are tons of them on the streets all of a sudden, doesn’t it? More likely than not, they’ve been there all along, but you weren’t paying attention to them. Thus, they didn’t really “exist” to you before.

So, when you define your goals you give your brain something new to look for and focus on. You give your mind a new set of eyes to see all the people, circumstances, conversations, resources, ideas and creativity surrounding you. With this new perspective, an inner itinerary, it can now proceed with matching up on the outside what you want most on the inside, your goal. It’s that simple, but the difference in how you see, experience and draw ideas, people and experiences into your life after you have clearly defined your goals is profound.

WHY Most Goal Setting Fails

Read my feature article in the January issue of SUCCESS magazine: Goal Setting Doesn’t Work.

Here’s a short-cut to the 5 big reasons goal setting fails:

1. You make a “wish list” and cross your fingers. As it says in the article, you cannot simply write down a list of wants on New Year’s Day, stick it in a drawer for the rest of the year and wait around for your life to change.

2. Your ideas are as clear as mud. Your goals have to be crystal clear. You have to give clear instructions to your brain in order for it to see and “draw” into your sights what you need to accomplish your goals. Just like the combination on a lock, the digits in a phone number or an ATM code, if it’s off by only one digit it won’t work.

3. You’re all talk. Proclaiming your goal is just the starting point. Now you have to actually draw a map of exactly how you’re going to get there and define the resources you’ll need to arrive safely.

4. You have no “Houston.” The management and control system necessary to operate your plan, keep you on track, measured and monitored through your journey through the unknown needs to be in place and/or accessible.

5. You lack reinforcements. The support and guidance of people and resources you will need along the way for encouragement–and even a kick in the pants–is also key to accomplishing your goals.

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