Friday 1 January 2010

Manifest Your Desires, Master Law of Attraction With Segment Intending By Warren Wojnowski Platinum Quality Author

Learning how to manifest your desires with segment intending is one of the most powerful manifestation tool available to you in your mastery of law of attraction. Perhaps you already know about and you already practice segment intending, but if you don't this is such a powerful technique that will benefit you... starting right now.

From each moment to moment throughout your day, you are living in segments. For example, whenever you enter a room or have a new conversation with someone you are in a new segment.

Are you in control of each segment throughout your day? You can start using this technique right away to ensure you gain control of each segment for yourself.

Here is an example.

When you are ready to go to work before you get into your vehicle, write down in your notebook what you want in the next segment. "I am arriving safely to my office in a timely fashion and find a
parking spot closest to the entrance of my building."

Then when you arrive you can write down what you want to happen next. "I am enjoying a productive day in my office feeling fulfilled and satisfied with my work."

You can also practice segment intending for when you have to have a conversation with someone and you know it may be tense. "I am very pleased with the outcome of my conversation today with my boss and
grateful for the courage and honesty that flows through me."

As you can see, this is a pretty simple technique to help you start prepaving the outcomes you want and begin designing your life. Remember to NOT give away your power and to have an outline set up in advance.

You can do this in preparation for the Christmas dinner with the relative that you normally do not get along with. Let's say that your Aunt will be at the dinner and every year you hear from her what she thinks about this or that. So you can prepare in advance days ahead of this dinner! "I am happy that my aunt and I are
enjoying our dinner meal and the conversation is light and joyous!"

By writing it down in advance if you know what is to come you are prepaving a much better outcome for yourself. At first you may not notice any difference because you may have some old drama still to play out. Just stick with it.

The first step is to start this process of writing it down. Then later on, perhaps after 4 or 5 days, or even 30 days, you can then verbalize it to yourself being consistent in prepaving the next segment, and the next segment after that, of your life.

You will very quickly see the changes in yourself and in your results when you begin to do this consistently throughout your day. You will have begun putting the law of attraction to use in a powerful way.

Get yourself a small little notebook and pen and keep it in your pocket or purse and before you do the next thing just stop for a moment and jot down what it is you do want to manifest next. Remember though to write it down BEFORE you enter the segment, not while in the process of it already playing out.

If you'd like more information about how to manifest your desires, visit Intrinsic Coach® Warren Wojnowski's website and be sure to sign up for his free 7 day eCourse by clicking here now: How to Attract Abundance, or send an email now to

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Thursday 31 December 2009

The Law of Attraction Basics

What the Law of Attraction says, in a nutshell, is that like attracts like . This means that the things you think about the most are the things you will have in your life. So you may be wondering why we don t all have a million dollars, a mansion and a yacht since we all want to be wealthy?

Well, if everyone was truly thinking about these things all the time and in the right way than it could really happen but they aren t doing that. Instead people are too busy thinking about all the things they don t have in their lives.

The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like which means that if you think about all the things you want in life like good health, money, success in school or work, a beautiful home or a happy marriage you will just have a whole lot of nothing. The Law of Attraction works but not like that. It is a little more complicated.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to go beyond wishing for things and start thinking about how it would feel to have them, believe that you can and will have them and that you deserve to have them. You need to think positively in this way all the time in order for it to work.

You need to imprint your objectives into your subconscious mind on a subconscious level. To make so, download and use Subliminal Flash program, it uses subliminal messages to help you visualize your desires as if they are real.

Does it sound too good to be true? A lot of people think so. They don t understand how thinking about having a beautiful house can actually get you one. They don t think it makes sense that believing you will get a raise will lead to you getting a raise. Some people can t wrap their minds around the idea that using positive thought will help you achieve all your goals in life.

Do you understand this? Answer this question if you truly believe that you will never have the home, car or job of your dreams because it just isn t possible what will happen? You will get what you asked for, you won t have any of those things.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to picture your dreams coming true and see the things you want in your head. You must imagine what it will be like to really have them. You also have to truly believe that these things will happen and the things you want will come to you. That is all there is to it. The problem is our society focuses on earning the things you want so people are reluctant to believe that the Law of Attraction really can work for them.

There is no magic associated with the Law of Attraction. The things you desire are not going to show up on your doorstep overnight. Instead, the Law of Attraction presents you with opportunities to get the things you want in other ways. You may have to work for these things or it may be a little easier than that, it just depends.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you must be focused and present at all times. You have to think good thoughts and share those thoughts with the Universe. You will get a response from the Universe if you do this. You have to be open to new opportunities so you can recognize when the Universe sends them your way.

Article Source :

Vlad Stivenson, author of many articles about the law of attraction:

Wednesday 30 December 2009

The Law of Attraction -- Why Are People Walking Away From It?

All this theory about the law of attraction sounds cheesy, but that's just because it's so simple and it needs to seem more sophisticated for people to even consider that it could work. Even so, lots of people simply walk away from it and say it's just a bunch of "bull residue".

Quantum physics, spirituality, brainwaves, manifesting…

These are all very scary words that make most of the people turn their backs to the person who is speaking about them. Let's face it: these are some weird words right there.

But why are they really that scary?

It may be because we hear them every day. It may be because we are afraid other people might think we're weird if we talked like that.

Here's what I think it is that make people walk away from applying the law of attraction to their lives:

We are addicted to our struggle. There, I said it. Every day we fight hard to survive on this planet. We work extra hours, we work in weekends, and we sacrifice our time with the family just so that we can provide for them. We did this all our lives. And now, someone comes up to us and says: "You don't have to struggle, you don't have to work until you can't keep your eyes open… all you have to do is learn about the law of attraction and take action when the universe tells you to."

What do you think our subconscious goes ahead and assumes while we hear that? "I worked that hard for so long, and now you're telling me I didn't have to? I don't think so. I'm happy right where I am right now. I have food to put on the table, I like my job, blah, blah, blah…" In our minds we are making all kinds of statements to convince ourselves not to make a change. That's because our minds love solving problems. Why do you think complicated puzzles are called brain food? Life doesn't have to be complicated; we just like it that way.

That leads us back to my first point. People like Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Lisa Nichols, Mike Dooley, John Assaraf and Michael Beckwith just to name a few have put together this theory in the movie The Secret which promises to give us the secret to success. But they make it sound a little more complicated than it really is, just so that they give our minds something to chew on while we hopefully stop rejecting the idea.

Even with those efforts in place, people will still be running away from their own prosperity by dismissing the law of attraction because of their pride, because of peer pressure, because of their beautiful minds…

About Author

If interested in learning more about the law of attraction and manifesting, visit my blog here:

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